Friday, March 26, 2010

24: Is it me or does this season suck?

Alright, I have been a huge fan of 24 since one of my former roommates turned me onto it during the 5th Season. To me, Jack Bauer is a great example of the ultimate American bad ass hero. He does whatever it takes to get the job done... Whatever. He'll torture terrorists, threaten to cut out eyes, and is just all around kick ass. So I've been trying to figure out, why is the current season of 24 just not as good as previous seasons?

I've made a few observations.

First, there's Renee Walker, the FBI agent (or former FBI agent). She is a hot little redhead, who is masquerading as a super tough FBI agent. In this season, her character even had some ties to the Russian Mafia. Apparently the writers at 24 thought that they could write her in as having served undercover in the Russian Mafia for a number of years. Yeah, that's believable. Now, I could see her as a stripper in a Russian mafia owned club, but having her carry weapons, participate in crime, and conduct other nefarious behavior just sounds silly to me. And she plays her character so seriously, so gritty... Like the last season where her character was introduced was her freshman year after having graduated from daytime TV (soap operas). Don't get me wrong, she is gorgeous, and I'd love to see what she looks like in a bikini (or less), but if I had to picture her at the FBI, it would be as a secretary fetching coffee for some sort of assistant to the assistant. Does that make me sexist?

Second, is the blond chic that works for CTU. I don't even know her name, but I know that I hate her character. I get that she's the villain, and we're all supposed to hate her, but I just think her whole story sucks. So she is such a great con artist that she fooled CTU (the fictional equivalent of maybe the NSA or other clandestine intelligence agencies) into hiring her? Then we have to suffer through the storyline of her basehead ex-boyfriend who tracks her down and blackmails her into helping him steal money. The worst part was that she went along with it. Like that is believable. Also, she just has a look like she's been around the block.... if you know what I mean. Maybe that is why she was cast as the villain who has infiltrated CTU. Oh well. Blond Chic from 24, I think you suck.

Third is obviously the casting of Freddie Prinze Jr. First off, who the hell is Freddie Prinze Sr., and why do we care? I haven't seen this guy since he was in a series of teen movies in the late nineties. Now we have to watch him on 24 and suffer through is awful tough guy Brooklyn accent. I'm going to go ahead and make a prediction that his character is going to sacrifice himself to save Jack, who will in turn save the day. He just seems misplaced on 24, and I look forward to the episode where his character dies. Next time hire Zack Morris. He would've done a way better job, and he could probably use the work.

Lastly, is President Allison Taylor. You are the worst fictional TV president ever. You are a dumb cunt and you would never get elected. Unfortunately I can't remember some of the dopey things the writers have written for her, but every time she shows up, it makes me cringe. I'll have to blog about her after watching an episode so I can make some specific references of why her character sucks.

Well, those are just a few of my insights. I guess I just miss the days when I would finish watching 24 and want to travel a week ahead in the future to see the next episode. I guess those were the good old days. Maybe the writers just suck this season? Who knows? Hopefully this will be the last season, even though if they make another one I will be sure to follow.

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