Thursday, April 22, 2010

Hey Joe, where you runnin with that little boy's penis in your hand...

There, I said it. If you're offended, then good. You're probably a moron too. Nobody reads this stupid blog anyway, so if I've offended someone, at least I'll know you've read my opinion.

For those of you who don't understand the reference I made in the title of this entry, I am referring to Joseph Ratzinger, who is better known as Pope Benedict the XVI. I refuse to acknowledge him as "the Pope," because, I do not believe in God, and if I did... I would most certainly refuse to believe that this "Pope" is God's representative on Earth. That is fucking absurd!

The reason I feel compelled to comment on this walking talking piece of garbage is that I am sick and tired of hearing of the "news" involving pedophilia in the Catholic Church. I thought that it was pretty well established, at least, in the USA that the Catholic Church has some problems. When I say "problems" that is the understatement of the century. It turns out that the Catholic Church has a BIG fucking problem. Their priests; who in many communities all over the world; are looked upon as spiritual, moral, and even political advisers; have a terrible habit of taking advantage of young boys. This is not a series of isolated incidents, but rather, a consistent pattern of sexual abuse committed by clergy members against young men, usually members of the church. If you're reading this, and you're surprised or appalled, then I hope you throw yourself out of a 3rd story(or higher) window. This is NOT news.

What makes this story even juicier is not the fact that Catholic priests have exhibited a consistent pattern of sexual abuse amongst their congregates, but that the Church, as an organization, has been aware of it the entire time. They've even aided and abetted their own clergy members by moving them from parish to parish, when accusations of sexual abuse have been raised against local parishes. Again, I must emphasize that this is nothing new. Nothing new, and very well documented. Mind you, the points I am making and the conclusions I am drawing are STRICTLY my OPINION.

What I don't get, is why is ole Nazi Youth Joe Ratzinger now coming out and condemning the sexual abuse he was obviously a part of... albeit indirectly(by most accounts)? Isn't a statement by Joe Ratzinger condemning sexual abuse by Catholic priests pretty irrelevant at this point? I guess it's okay that he acknowledged it, but come on. What a fucking retard. It gets even better too. It turns out that some Vatican documents have surfaced from when ole Joe was a Cardinal in Germany(I think... I'm not checking my facts... yet) where he approved and condoned moving accused priests out of parishes where they had been accused of sexual abuse. And what about ole Cardinal Bernard Law, who was the piece of shit in the USA who simply moved these scumbags from parish to parish where they were free to unleash their mayhem on the youth of other unsuspecting parishes? Correct me if I'm wrong, but he is living in the Vatican, and is supposedly a "respected" member of the child mol.. I mean Church in Rome. Isn't that silly? What about all of the ruined lives? The victims? And the Church doesn't even pay taxes, but members of the congregation are supposed to tithe? What is it, 15%? I'm not sure anymore... Does anybody see anything wrong with this picture?

What's even more enraging, is that you have "Good Catholics" and innocents defending the church. They claim that the church does more good than bad. That is a point I would not argue. I understand that any church, or support group, for that matter is probably a good thing for some people. Support groups for the most part can play very important roles in peoples' lives who have had terrible things happen, and want and need the support of others to help them get back on their feet. However, these "defenders of the faith" refuse to acknowledge the devastation their "faithful leaders" have wreaked upon others. Think of any other organization where the leadership was made aware of a sizable percentage of their employees engaging in not only unethical and illegal, but immoral and devastating actions against the very people whom they are supposed to protect and watch out for. That would be an organization that would NOT be tolerated by the public, as it should not. Well, that organization is the Catholic Church. And they don't even pay taxes! Where is the blood on the streets?

What is more irritating is that they're continued to be looked at as some sort of moral authority. It's ridiculous! That's like asking Charlie Manson, "Do you think there should be sentencing reform for murderers? Re-fucking-tarded!

Another note: I understand that the Church used to basically rule the world, but if we were to quantify the power of the church over the last 1000 years, the low point would be now. Given that downward trend, it is only logical to conclude that the influence of the Catholic Church will continue a sharp decline until, the influence of this once great organization and world power is only an almost forgotten memory in the minds of an aging generation of people who has yet to be born.

I want to emphasize that I do not hate Catholics, or church goers, or do gooders, or anyone who "believes". You believe what you want to believe and live your life. I will do the same. I just want to call "bullshit" on an organization that is supposed to look out for people less fortunate, spread goodwill to all, and live up to the standards they want every one of their followers to adhere to.



goodnight everybody,


Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Serious Life Message from Conan O'brien?

This is another video that is old news. Conan O'brien gives his farewell speech on his final night of hosting the tonight show. He hosted it for 7 months while Jay Leno moved to the 10:00 spot... a somewhat risky move for NBC. The politics of this decision by NBC, and the subsequent public backlash and support for Conan and Jay that followed were very interesting and certainly deserve some worthy commentary. However, that is not what I want to comment on. For those of you that watched this speech live, or have watched the video/speech afterwards, it is certainly a memorable speech. It was kind out of character for Conan to get kind of sentimental and show emotion, but he did it anyways.

What touched me about this speech, and is the reason I am so fond of it, is the part, where he speaks to "fans and viewers of the show." It is in the last 30 seconds if you're reading this and don't have the patience to watch a 4:30 youtube video. He says something to the effect of, "If you work real hard, and you are a kind person," then you will go far. That is such a simple, but effective message. You can tell that he truly believes it because it looks like he's fighting tears at certain moments in his speech. In fact, I would go as far as to say that that moment on TV was one of the top 10 greatest moments in TV history.

The reason I can relate to this, is that I've been unemployed for about 7 months now. It is most certainly not by choice, and I've been actively seeking employment ever since I was laid off. The competitive job market and the ridiculous stuff one has to do to even get an interview these days can feel real demoralizing at times. However, I've always kept a positive attitude, and really feel like I've lived up to what Conan mentioned. I've worked real hard, and I ALWAYS treat people how I would like to be treated, which is with the utmost kindness (even telemarketers and door to door solicitors).

I guess I really just like that message. It is such a short and simple message, and strangely enough, I've never seen that kind of message promoted elsewhere. "Work Hard and Be Kind," and you will go far. It really makes sense, and is a great philosophy to go by. I think that it will truly get one far, although it may not be as simple as I am putting it.

I hope that if you read this, you will be touched by those words and always remember in your heart, that if you work hard, and are a kind person, good things will come to you.

I live by that mantra, and couldn't prove them wrong, even if I wanted.